Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alahna's first "conversation"

Well, as we thought, but never knew when it would happen, Alahna broke out in a full sentence today! Eric and her were in the elevator and she was fussing. This was their conversation.

Dad: "I know you are hungry. I will get a banana soon."
Alahna: "don't want a nana"
Dad (in shock): "You don't want a banana?"
Alahna (firmly): "No"
Dad: "What's wrong?"
Alahna (pointing at her mouth): "My teeth. Owie"

How funny!! It's so fun to see her putting words together and communicating with us. I have yet to see this, but she does say "My da" pointing at Eric often. She was babbling on in her own lingo tonight. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

We had a wonderful month in April. Lots of fun things and pictures to report from our trip to Chicago and Des Moines for Easter week, we found a house to rent, and I finally took my 3rd set of board exams. I promise I will stop procrastinating and post pictures and more updates soon.

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