Monday, March 14, 2011

The big show, pasta extravaganza, and clean baby

Well, in the last 24 hours we have had quite the fun to share.

The big show: Last night we went to Elmo's Green Thumb by Seaseme Street Live! It was so much fun to see Alahna's face light up when we told her we were going to see Elmo! Too cute! This was her big reward for doing so good on the potty. She is almost 100% potty trained and we are sooooo excited!! We have a video called Potty Power so now daily we say "Who has potty power?" and she replies "Alahna's got potty power"! Today she even went poop by herself on the potty chair!! Hopefully this streak keeps up and we can enjoy some big girl independence before our little man comes along and we are changing billions of diapers again.

Can you say Pasta?: Last night after the show we came home to eat some pasta. Afterward Eric was holding Alahna and he was raising his eyebrows up and down in a really funny way. (If you haven't actually looked at someone doing this, then you might want to. It's actually quite funny.) Alahna thought it was the funniest thing she had ever seen, so we were all cracking up laughing. Shortly after she kept rubbing her nose and blowing like there was something in it. I didn't think much of it until I was getting her ready for bed and I saw something dangling out of her nose. Low and behold it was a piece of pasta!!! I pulled on it and it kept coming! HAHAHAHA! I think I laughed so hard I almost cried. The funniest thing was she had no care in the world that she had this pasta hanging out her nose while she was playing with her doll house! =)

Clean baby: Like most children, Alahna has become attached to a baby doll. She calls her "Tiny's mama" because she has another baby that is really small so this one is clearly bigger and must be her mom. She caries it around a lot and insisted on bringing her to the show last night. I was a little weary but thought, how hard would it be to keep track of. Well long story short Eric put it in the diaper bag and it must have fallen out in the crowd! I was secretely freaking out in my head about what we were going to do and when the break down for the baby would happen! Eric quickly suggested going to target to see if they still sell it. After two stops I luckily found the same baby doll today. I almost didn't recognize her outfit because it was so bright and clean!! So I brought her home and secretely placed her in the kitchen on her little kitchen set. When she saw her she got really excited then picked her up and stared for a bit (probably thinking, what happened this isn't my tiny mama). I quickly said, "Mama gave her a bath. Now she is nice and clean." Alahna was thrilled! She gave the baby a big hug and said "Thank you mama. She's all clean!" Then she said "I'm so happy to see you baby!"
I hate that we had to lie to her, but am sooooooooooo glad that she's still too young to realize that isn't her original doll!!! Oh the joys of when it's ok to lie.

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